What is Pollution?
Pollution occurs when garbage, chemicals, and other dangerous things pollute or dirty the environment. Air, water, and land pollution are the three basic types.
Land Pollution:
Land pollution is leaving behind trash on the ground or other forms of littering. It's terrible to look at litter. It can also ruin the habitats, or homes, of animals and plants.
Another type of land pollution is the deposition of harmful substances in the soil. Chemicals may be produced in factories or on farms. Animals and plants can become exposed to these pollutants. Even eating the polluted plants and animals might be harmful.
Air Pollution:
Some air pollution is brought on by wildfires, volcanoes, and industrial pollutants. But burning fossil fuels is the primary source of air pollution. These include natural gas, oil, and coal. These fuels are burned to provide energy for use in factories, power plants, and cars. Ash and soot are examples of the solid particles that can be released into the air when fossil fuels are burned. Hazardous gasses might potentially be released. Smog over large cities is one way that this kind of pollution may be observed. Air containing smog is hazy or difficult to see through.
Asthma and cancer are two conditions that can be brought on by air pollution. Acid rain, or contaminated rain that can harm living things, is another consequence of air pollution. The average temperature of the Earth is steadily rising due to global warming, which may also be a result of air pollution. The ozone layer, a component of the atmosphere, is also harmed by air pollution. Because it shields the planet from the Sun's damaging radiation, the ozone layer is crucial.
Water Pollution:
Water contamination has some obvious reasons. In streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and seas, people dump trash and excrement. Oils, dangerous chemicals, and other trash are occasionally released into water by factories or towns.
There are other, less obvious sources of water contamination. One illustration is the usage of pesticides in agriculture. Some chemicals are used by farmers as fertilizers, or as compounds put to the soil to aid in crop growth. As pesticides or herbicides, they employ additional chemicals. These are chemicals that eradicate weeds or pests. These substances might contaminate groundwater as they seep into the earth. Chemicals may also leak into lakes and rivers, harming fish and other species
Controlling Pollution:
To control pollution, several governments, environmental organizations, and common citizens are engaged. To prevent people from discharging harmful substances into the environment, governments have created legislation. Some businesses and individuals are attempting to consume fewer fossil fuels. Instead, they are using less polluting energy sources like sunshine, wind, and water to generate their electricity. Recycling helps many towns minimize pollution. Recycling is the process of turning wasted paper, plastic, glass, metal, or other resources into new goods.